Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Book summary week 7

Civil War

The lawlessness and turmoil from the previous decade had grown up again in 1925. And it had grown into widespread civil war between South and North China. The south want to established the new republic and unify the country under one central government. The north controlled by hands of warlords who ruled regions. They punished trespasser and executed traitors and grew rich by taxing their subjects and raiding their villages and towns that why south China had to sent the Southern troops to North for conquer the northern warlords. When the war happen, The American Consulate had been warning their people in China to move out or go back to their countries. The majority of American and British missionaries were gone. Many people died between the war. In March 1928, three months later after battle, the Kuomintang took Tsinan, the capital of Shantung province and Peking, the country's ancient capital. The new government named Nanking as the new capital, and the warlord era seemed to come to an end.

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